Thursday 9 August 2012

Mentally Ill Part 2

Mentally Ill Part 2

Yet more things 

I don't usually agree that women talk too much; yeah they talk more than men, but we don't talk so that's understandable. However they sometimes have conversations about the most idiotic topics, "what colour is my shoe", and use hundreds of words when four or five will do just fine. 

Genuinely 2 girls I was living with had a conversation, not just an exchange of 2 sentences or even 2 words (which is all that it needed), but a whole conversation about what colour their shoes where... seriously.
They were pink, pink converse shoes. Very clearly pink. All it needed was
"what are colour are these"

Yet somehow the two of them found a way to exchange many sentences about what colour they were. I cannot imagine how. Sickness of the head.

They then had a discussion about the laces... of course.
And how they fit. I can understand this being a wide footed man and hearing many times the difficulties women have with finding things that fit.

Nothing fits

Why is it so hard for you girls to find garments that just fit you. My ex would pretty often regale stories of how hard it is to find things that fit and would often return things she just bought. 
I have no sympathy though, you have yourselves to blame since you buy all the ill fitting crap in the first place and create a demand for it. 
"Haha Nothing fits"
-"I know right!"
-"such a Bargain though"

Women will spend half an hour in a shop trying things on and then leave empty handed. Men on the other hand:
Item required
Item found
Item acquired 
Leave. 5mins
The music playing in the background is still on the same song by the time we leave.

All this is made possible because firstly we don't care all that much about what we wear. 
Secondly the man fit test, you hold it up to yourself, does it fit? yes or no, move along. 
Close enough lets go

Thirdly the market caters; if shops were full of clothes that didn't fit, do you know what would happen? We would all not bother spending hours in 5 different shops finding the perfect fit of a shirt and just wear whatever cloth we could find. 

Another thing. Why do women buy clothes that aren't comfortable? because it looks good? Men don't care, so blame yourselves again.
All girls have their comfortable outfit and their "presentable for going out" outfits. 
Men have... clothes. That's right, we wear whatever for any occasion. All our clothes fit fine and are comfortable because if they weren't we wouldn't buy them.

Even though women have real problems with clothes fitting they still share clothes with their friends. Huh
I have never shared an item of clothing with any of my male friends. 
What is this? 
Is the wardrobe full of unworn still tagged items not enough for you? 
Nothing fits, so why share?
Mentally ill.

One more thing about clothes 

Do women ever take a step back and actually look at the clothes they consider buying. Some of the stuff they consider are just flimsey fucking rags that cost £30. Thirty Pounds for a rag.
And why the hell are these types of garment available:

 Look at the centre ones, it's a bunch of strings.


Why do people buy these?


This next bit i don't know how to introduce so i'll keep it short and sweet. I was joking around with a friend:

Me: "oooohhh hooooo all the boys fancy you, soooo sexy"

Girl: "no shut up"

Me: "okay you're ugly and nobody likes you?"

Girl: "mmmurhhh"

Me: "you are normal and average?"

Girl: "shut up"     Mental illness

Something else 

I realised a long time ago how men bond, we insult eachother but don't mean it.
It's called a joke. It's funny. Humour is the basis of human relationships. 

Women however, bond by lying to eachother. I'm pretty sure lying to somebody doesn't build a relationship, illogical, Mentally ill.
And they really over do it, it makes me feel sick.

I saw this on facebook

"wow you looked great that night"
"No you looked great, better than me. so hot"
"haha we are both amazing love you bby gal xoxox"
"I love your hair"
"I loved your eyebrows"
"sexy philtrum"                                   might be a bit made up

Stop lying, you sound ridiculous.

And another something

Why are girls so cold. ALWAYS
A mentally ill friend of mine came in from uni on a sunny 28C day wearing a Big black over coat, black top, scarf and high heel boots.

 Animals at the zoo

I once made the mistake of going to river island on one of my 5 minunte shopping trips during a sale.
Oh dear god
During the sales, the women's section turns into a battle pit, they barge past eachother steal clothes from eachother. Everything is on the floor. Mayhem.
The queue for the till was beyond the horizon and people ditch all social customs. I saw somebody looking nervous in a corner of the shop between two racks, she then started changing out on the shop floor... riiiight.

If you find a lovely lady that isn't mentally ill. She's a keeper


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